
Featured Post

Emma Belgard

The Road to Self-Discovery: Navigating Success and Independence for Neurodivergent Young Adults

The Road to Self-Discovery: Navigating Success and Independence for Neurodivergent Young Adults 495 400 Advance LA

The Road to Self-Discovery: Navigating Success and Independence for Neurodivergent Young Adults April is Autism Acceptance Month, a time to acknowledge the transformative power of support and self-discovery within the neurodivergent community. This month serves as an empowering recognition of the strides made in navigating independence and embracing the unique paths of young adults with special needs. Many Advance LA clients are recent high school or college graduates but for some graduating students on the spectrum, the future can seem confusing and overwhelming as they face the question of, “What happens next?” Facing this transition can sometimes cause those struggling with…

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